Teens Making A New Tomorrow

Teens Making a New Tomorrow is an elite group of teens that aim to reduce substance abuse in the youth of Franklin County. By holding events, engaging with community leaders, and working alongside the Franklin County Prevention Coalition, they promote non-usage and positive actions.
Why you should care?
Our teens can make a difference, yes, but they can’t do it alone. You are just as important to this community as they are. Our teens are searching to change tomorrow so we need your help to change today! With your support and encouragement, these teens can make an outstanding difference in Franklin County.
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to encourage smart life decisions and reduce drug and
alcohol usage in the youth of Franklin County Tennessee.
Vision Statement:
Our vision is to create a community in which young people feel
empowered to say NO to substances and self destructive behaviors.
I didn't CAUSE it.
I can't CONTROL it.
But I can take CARE
of myself by
my feelings, making good